Celebration Ideas – Educators
Anyone can participate in Free Speech Week! Whether it’s raising awareness about the history and importance of freedoms of speech and of the press, or engaging in everyday activities made possible because of these freedoms. Here are some ideas to get started:
Devote a classroom discussion to current free speech issues in the U.S. or internationally.
Implement a lesson plan on freedoms of speech and/or of the press. There are many online; we have compiled a few here.
Ask students to write a short essay on what free speech means to them or what types of speech they feel should be protected – or not.
Ask students to write a letter to the editor of their local paper.
Schedule a speaker for your classroom, school or journalism club to discuss press freedom and/or freedom of speech via in-person or virtually.
College faculty, check your school’s speech code rating at www.fire.org/spotlight.
Support your school’s newspaper or literary journal. If you don’t’ have one, encourage interested students to start one.
Conduct a mock debate on free speech issues or issue of your choice.
Create a banned book display or exhibit in the school library.
Encourage students to express their understanding of freedom of speech in artwork, poetry, song lyrics or photography.
Hold an open-mic night or poetry reading of original student work.
For further inspiration, visit Past Select Activities on our website.