Celebration Ideas – Organizations
Anyone can participate in Free Speech Week! Whether it’s raising awareness about the history and importance of freedoms of speech and of the press, or engaging in everyday activities made possible because of these freedoms. Here are some ideas to get started:
Post the Free Speech Week logo on your website.
Tweet and/or post about Free Speech Week and/or free speech in general from your corporate account.
Let association members know about FSW through your newsletter or website.
Newspapers, publish op-eds on why Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press is important
Change your company profile picture on social media sites to the Free Speech Love badge during Free Speech Week.
Broadcast stations, create and run a PSA recognizing Free Speech Week and the value of Freedom of Speech.
Schedule and host a speaker in-person or virtually.
Sponsor a free speech-related contest.
Plan an event during FSW that draws attention to free speech issues in your industry. See Past Select Activities on our website for inspiration.
Communicate with your audience via company blogs, websites, social media, articles online and off, and broadcast mediums why freedoms of speech and of the press, and freedom of expression in general is important to your organization.

RTDNA Twitter selfie contest

Neil Fried, Senior V.P. Government and Regulatory Affairs, MPAA, with Washington Post’s film critic Anne Hornaday and culture blogger Alyssa Rosenberg.