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For Release: October 16, 2014 Contact: Richard T. Kaplar

Free Speech Week To Be Celebrated Oct. 19 – 25, 2015

Nationwide Event Heightens Awareness of Fundamental Freedom

Arlington, Va., Oct. 15 – Free Speech Week (FSW) is slated to begin Monday, Oct. 19, and run through Sunday, Oct. 25. A wide range of schools, universities, community groups, and media organizations will mark the week by conducting events celebrating free speech and the First Amendment. 

Free Speech Week is a non-partisan, week-long commemorative event, now in its eleventh year, which raises awareness of free speech and a free press in the United States among all age groups and walks of life.

Many prominent media trade associations, journalism groups, and media outlets are participating as “Partnering Organizations,” displaying the FSW logo on their websites and publicizing the week in their own ways.

Colleges and universities across the country are participating as “Educational Partners,” giving professors an opportunity to conduct classroom discussions, invite guest lecturers, and plan other events devoted to free-speech topics.

 New this year is the “Free Speech Love” social media badge, created by MDB Communications. The badge features quotation marks inside a heart – a stylized way to say “I love free speech.” During Free Speech Week, individuals and organizations are invited to change their profile picture on social media sites to this badge to show their support for freedom of expression.  The badge can be found and downloaded at the FSW website,

Media outlets, schools, universities, and civic groups are invited to join the celebration as a partner by going to the FSW website.  There is no registration fee. The FSW site also includes ideas on how to celebrate and information about current and prior years’ activities.

Free Speech Week is designed to be an inclusive celebration for all Americans regardless of politics or ideology.  The goal of FSW is to celebrate First Amendment rights, and it is not intended to advocate any political viewpoint or ideological agenda.

For more information, follow FSW on Twitter @Freespeechweek, join the discussion on FSW’s Facebook Page, and find the latest information on the FSW website,

Free Speech Week is an independent event created in 2005 by The Media Institute, which continues to provide promotional support and to manage the FSW website. The event was originally known as “National Freedom of Speech Week.”

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